We saw birds wherever we went.
We saw these at the Belize Zoo and at Tikal.
We photographed these birds from a boat on the Mopan River.
This bird is in breeding plumage. Note the long feathers on the back. This bird was at the Belize Zoo.
Collared Aracari, Pteroglossus torquatus
This toucan was watching us when we were at Tikal.
Mealy Parrot, Amazona farinosa
This beautiful bird was in the Belize Zoo.
White-collared Manakin, Manacus candei
We photographed this bird at the Mopan River Resort.
Ocellated Turkey, Memeagris ocellata
There were many of these colorful turkeys running around in Tikal.
These were nesting on Half Moon Caye.
Magnificent Frigatebird, Fregata magnificens
Flocks of Birds
The birds in the first photo are mostly great egrets and wood storks, but there are others too. In the second photo the two big birds are jabiru storks, Jabiru mycteria, the largest bird which lives in this hemisphere. There are also cormorants, white ibises, great egrets, snowy egrets, roseate spoonbills, tricolored herons, little blue herons, ducks, and even a hawk. The third photo is in the same area but a bit closer. These photographs were from the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, which is heaven for bird watchers.
Wood Storks, Mycteria americana
These wood storks were at the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary.
White-whiskered Puffbird, Malacoptila panamensis
Another bird from Tikal.
Great-tailed Grackle, Quiscalus mexicanus
Another bird from Crooked Tree.
Northern Jacana, Jacana spinosa
These are immature birds, photographed at Crooked Tree. Look at the huge feet!
Yellow-billed Cacique, Amblycercus holosericeus
We're not positive of the identification of this bird, which we photographed on Half Moon Caye.
Black Vulture, Coragyps atratus
These vultures were hanging around near one of the temples at Tikal. Maybe they were waiting for a tourist to expire, or for human sacrifices?
Photographed near the Mopan River.
Photographed at Tikal.
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker, Celeus castaneus
This bird was at Tikal. Tikal was fun because there were many birds along the paths between the temples.
Double-crested Cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus
We are not sure what species this is, as it flew away after just one shot.
Unidentified Birds:
The black and white bird was photographed at Tikal. The brown bird was photographed visiting a feeder at the Mopan River Resort. We could not identify them using any of our books.
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Last modified 4 November 2024