Riverboat Discovery
The sternwheeler Riverboat Discovery makes a three-hour trip southwest along the Chena River in Fairbanks seven miles to its confluence with the shallow Tanana River (which in turn empties into the Yukon River).
Bush floatplane on the Chena River:
Four-time Iditarod champion, the late Susan Butcher, owned this sled dog kennel, Trailbreaker Kennels, on the Chena River, now run by her husband David Monson, himself the winner of the thousand-mile Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race from Fairbanks to Whitehorse, Yukon. The kennel gives dog mushing demonstrations:
Chena Athabascan Indian village, built of spruce logs:

Traditional costumes:

Fish wheel, scoops salmon out of the river into a holding tank using the river's current as power:

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Last modified 4 November 2019