Walrus Island Pinnipeds
Pinniped means "wing-foot", that is, flipper feet.
A small haul-out area of Steller sea lions, Eumetopias jubatus, occupies the far southern tip of Round Island.

Bull walruses, Odobenus rosmarus divergens, spend the summer at Round Island while the females and calves follow the retreating ice far to the north. Walruses feed on clams and other bottom-dwelling life, using their powerful piston-like tongues to suck out their prey. The tusks are used to climb on ice and for fighting. A cold walrus that has been in the water for a long time becomes very pale and pink as its blood flow retreats to its internal organs. Walruses that have been resting on land get browner as they warm up.

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Last modified 4 November 2019